Access the 2014 Report and Documents
UF cannot customize the survey therefore, some survey questions require directions. Please see the explanatory comments in red.
Please select one of the following that best applies to your current position:
- Full-time (including 9 month appointments)
- Part-time
Please select one of the following that best applies to your current position:
- Librarian/Library Faculty (all faculty appointments)
- Non-librarian/Staff (all non-faculty appointments)
Please select ONE of the following that best applies to your current position:
- Administration (Grants, Fiscal, HR, Communications, Development)
- Administrative Assistant (Secretarial support)
- Facilities/Maintenance (Facilities staff only)
- Graduate Assistant (do NOT use)
- Librarian/Library Faculty (All faculty appointments)
- Library Assistant (All Library Assistants; All Library Associates; All Archivists; All Library Technical Assistants)
- Library Clerk/Technician/Specialist (do NOT use)
- Technical Support/Systems (IT staff only)
What position does your immediate supervisor in the Library hold:
- Librarian (All faculty appointments)
- Non-librarian staff (All non-faculty appointments)
- Other (please be specific) (Do not use)
List of Teams/Work Groups
- Administration (includes Deans Office, Communications, Development, Panama Canal Project, Digital Scholarship, Exhibits, Scholarly Communications and Special Initiatives)
- Administrative Services (includes Facilities, Fiscal Services, HR, Grants, Instruction Support)
- Access Support
- Library West
- Marston Science Library
- Departmental Libraries (includes AFA and Education)
- HSCL (includes Gainesville and Borland)
- Special and Area Studies Collections, including Maps and LACC
- Legal Information Center
- Acquisitions
- Cataloging and Metadata
- Digital Services and Shared Collections (includes Digital Production Services, Conservation and Preservation, ALF, ILF, and Shared Collections Cataloging)
- Information Technology (includes Web & Software Development, and Enterprise Support)
Many questions on the ClimateQUAL survey ask you to respond based on your team/division. You should answer these question based on what you would normally consider your work unit. Please recall that the survey is designed to protect your anonymity and will do so even for those who are in a small work unit.
Additional questions relate to race, religion, age, gender, and sexual orientation. Answers to these questions are useful in assessing whether or not the Libraries have an open climate that is receptive to all employees and whether we need to adjust in any particular direction to make employees feel more comfortable and welcome in the workplace. You can choose not to answer some or all of these questions but your responses will be helpful if provided.
In October, the Libraries completed its strategic planning process.
Through this process the Libraries identified four strategic directions. The organizational culture elements of these strategic directions focus on a culture of transformative collaboration with strong collegial relations across library units; innovation at all levels; a productive, diverse and team-based working and learning environment; equal partnership; and a culture of assessment and evidence based decision making.
As a next step in the strategic planning process the Libraries are conducting the ClimateQual: Organizational Climate and Diversity Assessment survey (ClimateQUAL) in order to better understand the dynamics of our working environment and identify areas for growth and improvement. We are looking at enhancing and enriching our organizational culture and ClimateQUAL is an opportunity for you to comment on your experience working in the Libraries and inform these discussions.
The survey is administered by the Association of Research Libraries, and no one at UF will see the individual responses. We will only see scores aggregated to work teams and demographic groups (and only if there are more than six respondents).
We will see all free-text responses verbatim in one large file with no indication of what section of the Libraries the comments came from. To maintain your anonymity, please phrase your comments so that they do not identify you.
“Intro to ClimateQUAL” video:
“ClimateQUAL Best Practices” video:
Sample questions:
Sample report: