I. Policy: Students are hired for a variety of tasks in the University Libraries. Pay rates for student employees are based on skills required, level of responsibility, and longevity of employment. All students, Other Personnel Services (OPS) and Federal Work Study (FWS), University funded and grant funded are paid according to the same rate scale. Effective January 1, 2020, the minimum rate paid for any position is $8.56/hour.
II. Date: January 1, 2020
- Revised: August 8, 1997; April 2001; July 2003, November 20, 2004; December 12, 2005; December 6, 2006; November 7, 2007; December 19, 2008; May 28, 2009; May 19, 2011; January 5, 2012; January 1, 2013; January 1, 2014; January 1, 2015; January 1, 2017; January 1, 2018; January 1, 2019; January 1, 2020
III. Base Pay: Student jobs are divided into 5 levels with established base pay rates according to the schedule below (See section V). An additional open-ended pay scale is available for those tasks that do not fall into these categories.
Level 1.
This is work performing general clerical/office duties that require basic skills and minimal training with average responsibility.
- Shelve books, shelf-read
- File microforms
- File maps
- Retrieve materials for library users (basic)
- Answer telephone/refer calls
- General office assistance
- Photocopy library materials
- Do pamphlet binding
- Prepare periodicals for commercial binding (gather loose issues, assemble in correct order))
- Tattle tape, plate, property stamp, other physical processing
- Gather and tabulate statistics
- Deliver material
- Transport, pack, unpack materials
- Does not include working with ALEPH records
- Does not include reference work
Level 2.
This is work performing specialized clerical/office duties that require average skills, training, and responsibility.
- Process invoices
- Type forms, letters, reports, etc.
- Repair books
- Search records on ALEPH
- Remote storage workers
- Search the Internet for specific information
- Create and attach labels
- Return material to vendors
- Retrieve materials from branch libraries (unsupervised ILL and Course Reserves)
- Sort, brand, and package materials for shipping (ILL)
Level 3.
This is work performing paraprofessional library tasks that require basic skills, training, and responsibility.
- Staff circulation, microform, or other service desk during regular business hours, or on nights and weekends with supervision
- Assistance with microform, audio/visual equipment
- Enter routine data in databases other than ALEPH
- New book processing including checking invoices, ALEPH records, etc.
- Copy cataloging using LC copy
- Search on OCLC, download records
- Checking in and claiming materials
- Advanced searching on ALEPH
- Entering bibliographic data using cataloging template
- Adding constant data to bibliographic records
- Performs opening procedures
- Plans and implements major stack shifts
- Scanning and uploading documents for electronic delivery via Ariel/Odyssey (ILL)
Level 4.
This is work performing advanced paraprofessional tasks that require extensive skills, training, and responsibility.
- Open and close departments on nights and weekends – Unsupervised
- Staff circulation, micro rooms, and information desks – Unsupervised
- Staff information /reference service desk (LTA level person at MSL)-Unsupervised
- Copy cataloging using non-LC copy
- Brittle books processing
- Computer inventory work
- Preparing financial statements
- Paying invoices
- Adding complex entries to database
- Electronic Reserves processing in Ares, updating Aleph records, searching OPAC, and screening requests against copyright guidelines
Level 5.
This is work performing specialized paraprofessional tasks that requires special skills and training.
- Floor supervisor / Supervising other student
- Training new staff in use of specialized software
- Preparing student payroll
- Students who run units and branch libraries with no full-time staff
- Physical labor for various library construction projects
- Remote storage supervisors
Level 6.
This is work performing paraprofessional tasks equivalent to those performed by regular staff. This position level requires a job description approved by the Department Chair, for each student at this level. The job description shall be kept in the departmental file.
- Computer programming
- LTA Level work
- Web design and maintenance
IV. Pay rate changes, steps and exceptions
1. Students should advance one pay step after two full semesters (Fall, Spring or Summer) of service in the libraries.
2. The rate of pay for a student assistant appointment with a variety of tasks under one supervisor matches the majority percentage of duties assigned.
For example: A student assistant in Access Services spends 15% of their time repairing books, 10% of their time at processing invoices (both Level 2 responsibilities) and 75% of their time shelving books (a Level 1 responsibility). Since the majority of the appointment requires the successful completion of Level 1 tasks, the student assistant’s rate of pay is Level 1.
3. Student assistant appointments are commensurate with appropriate level tasks. A student assistant may, therefore, have more than one appointment if working at different levels in multiple departments.
For example: A student assistant may have an appointment with Level 2 responsibilities in Acquisitions and Licensing, and a second appointment with Level 1 responsibilities in Access Services. Each appointment is paid separately at the appropriate level. A separate time card is completed for each appointment level.
4. To initiate either a pay rate that deviates from the scale or a change in pay rate, an explanatory memorandum, approved by the Department Chair must be sent to the Library Human Resources Office.
a). If a student changes job levels within the year, s/he retains the longevity differential.
For example, if a student who is on Step 3 of employment in a Level 1 position is given a Level 3 job in the middle of the academic year, that students new salary would be Level 3, Step 3.
b). If a student demotes in job level, compensate the student at the new level.
For example, if a student is working in Access Services staffing the circulation desk at Level 2, Step 2 and moves to Acquisitions to process invoices at Level 1, the student’s pay rate would change to Level 1, Step 2. Supervisors should work closely with students when making this change to ensure that the student clearly understands the change.
5. Department Chairs may increase salaries of students whose responsibilities have increased beyond that of the original level. Department Chairs may also award employees for sustained superior performance. Documents regarding the reasons for the increase in salary are to be approved and signed by the Department Chair, and submitted to the Library Human Resources Office.
6. In certain cases, Federal Work Study students may be eligible for an increase of one or more steps. These increases are available only in cases where 20 hours of employment at the appropriate rate and step will not allow the student to exhaust the amount of their work-study award. The Supervisor must advise the Library Human Resources Office of this situation. The Library Human Resources Office will perform the necessary calculations and will advise the supervisor as to the correct rate and step in these circumstances.
V. Pay schedule (effective January 1, 2020)
STEP 1 | STEP 2 | STEP 3 | STEP 4 | STEP 5 | |
LEVEL 1 | 8.56 | 8.73 | 9.01 | 9.26 | 9.52 |
LEVEL 2 | 8.77 | 9.03 | 9.28 | 9.55 | 9.83 |
LEVEL 3 | 9.05 | 9.31 | 9.55 | 10.00 | 10.13 |
LEVEL 4 | 9.31 | 9.55 | 10.00 | 10.15 | 10.43 |
LEVEL 5 | 10.29 | 10.61 | 10.91 | 11.24 | 11.54 |
LEVEL 6 | Open-ended schedule for special tasks |
VI. Responsibility: It is the responsibility of the Library Human Resources Officer to maintain this policy and procedure under the direction of the Dean of Libraries.